Sunday, May 25, 2008

One of Many

This morning i exercised my eyes after watching the sun clear the trees beyond a wheat field.
My vision felt unusually sharp, (i wear glasses for driving) and i wanted to test its focusing ability. So i allowed the eyes to wander vaguely over the sea-green grain before settling on one stalk several yards in from the near edge.
It wasn't the tallest among those near it, nor the largest, smallest, brightest, darkest, etc. There was in fact nothing particularly noteworthy about it, except that i looked at it.
Hmm. Poor analogue, perhaps, yet it gave me some appreciation for God's perspective.
Later today i was reminded of Gary Larson's Far Side cartoon, "Wait! Wait! Listen to me! … We don’t have to be just sheep!"
Sometimes i wonder if spiritual growth, self-help, and other realms of personal development are just so much hot air. And then i see the humor in it again when i see this wondering as more of the same.
A cheerful weekend to all y'all out there!

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